(yes I realise the vodka bottle doesn't fit in this picture of healthy!!!)I have been looking at the EasiYo yoghurt maker for quite a while now and have ummed over it. Yesterday it was on QVC and my darling little daughter decided she wanted me to buy one.
We get through a lot of yoghurt between the 2 of us and I just thought that perhaps if this was good stuff (tasty) it might be cheaper in the long run. Each sachet makes up a litre of yoghurt, which lasts 2 weeks and is full of the good bacteria.
I decided to pop out to Lakeland and get a starter kit this morning and as I was driving along passing MacArthur Glen I suddenly remembered Jennie telling me that Julian Graves sells them and thought there was one there, so I went round the roundabout and popped in to see. Yes they did, I bought one and 2 sachets of yoghurt in cherry and wild berries. As soon as I got home I made up the cherry, so now I just have to wait until 11pm to see whether it's thickened up and tastes nice.
While I was there I decided to pop along to Alfreton and nip into the craft shop. I just picked up a couple of small packs of aida, nothing else took my fancy. So I only spent £2.25 in the craft shop!!!