Blackcurrants are early this year, probably because of the hot weather in April and this has brought the fruit on by a month.
I have a couple of blackcurrant bushes, a whitecurrant and a couple of redcurrant bushes all struggling under the weight of the fruit. The raspberry bushes are full too, but not so many are being picked and put into a bowl, no they are being picked and eaten by Marion!! At least she's enjoying them and there's nothing fresher than home grown.

This is just what I've picked this afternoon, I gave up because I was getting too hot. This little lot weighs in at 3lbs and there's a ton more to pick.
The blasted slugs are getting on my nerves now, they've eaten her sunflowers, my courgettes and cucumbers, one tomato plant and some flowers.
I've been told I should try chilli flakes around the soil, they're not supposed to like them. I'll give it a go though, I've tried everything else.