Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Mum, Dad and I took her to Bakewell for the day and it couldn't have been nicer weather, especially for Bank Holiday Monday. We went into Byways Tea Rooms and we had breakfast and then we wandered around the market area, Marion buying herself some sweets with her birthday money and then she was itching to feed the ducks, so she went into the Co-Op with Mum to get a loaf and then we walked round to the ducks. The first lot didn't seem all that interested, so we went further up and as soon as they saw her, they started swimming over. She dropped a piece of bread on to the back of one of the geese and then told it to turn around and get it and it just did as it was told!!
This swan was just following us up and down the river, not eating anything, just happily swimming along.
She then waited patiently for this little duckling to swim close enough so she could take a photo.
We then had another wander around, Mum and I popped into Wye Needlecraft Shop to get a couple of DMC's I needed and I was going to get the 3 GAST that I wanted for the Owl humbug ornament, but they were in such a mess you had to look at each one individually and it took forever. There was no order to them, they just looked like a pile of threads had been thrown at the hooks. Not one of the colours I wanted was there anyway, so we left the shop having only bought 2 DMC threads. I'll need to place an order with Down Sunshine Lane (it'll be cheaper that way too).
We then headed back to the same Tea Rooms again and had some afternoon tea and the owner of the place gave her £3 for her birthday. He told her that he could have gone out and bought a pack of maltesers or something, but thought it would be nicer for her to get whatever she wanted instead.
After that we took a slow walk back to the car and came home. We were all exhausted.
This is the cake, she wanted a fox, so she got a fox. She painted the rainbow herself and then designed on paper what she wanted where and Mum did the rest. It is certainly a yummy cake.
A good day was had by all, even if it did get spoiled a little by her ignorant father when he phoned in the afternoon. I didn't answer my phone all that quickly and when I did he wasn't at all amused that we were out (did he expect us to stay at home and do nothing?). Marion wasn't all that communicative when she spoke to him and then he had a go at me demanding I stop her calling him Mark. That's her choice and that's what I told him, so off he went into one of his sulks. He doesn't deserve to be called Dad, he never does anything for her, apart from upset and annoy her when he does show his face. He ignores her for months at a time and then he expects everything to just run along smoothly his way; well she's getting older and the meaning of her name is 'honest, decisive and knows her own mind' - this is certainly true of Marion, once she's made up her mind, she won't change it for anyone. He hates that!!!!!